Supporting education & innovation
The Frank Liu Jr. Academy for Music & Arts (FLAMA) aims to be a Pre-K through 8th grade open-enrollment charter school. We open in the Fall of 2025 for Pre-K through 1st grade, and grow a grade each year thereafter. The primary areas served will be Houston’s 2nd, 3rd, and 5th Wards. FLAMA’s vision rests on six pillars: technical fluency, creative expression, academic rigor, music & art education, nourishment, and family/community.
Key Pillars
Students must be taught music, art, and all subjects with an aim to master fluency.
Music and art education don’t stop at technical fluency. Original creative output enhances cognition and allows for critical thinking and self-expression. This principle applies across all subjects taught and coalesces in original musical performances and creative entrepreneurship initiatives.
Provide students with a strong academic foundation. Research shows that learning music improves academic outcomes.
All children have creative aptitudes and benefit from music education. Our school will focus on serving youth who would otherwise not receive such an education.
Nourishing the body is essential to development. Breaking bread together is a daily act of care that will enable our students to learn, grow, and in turn, nourish the spirit of the wider community.
Families are the bedrock of our community in Houston’s 2nd, 3rd, and 5th Wards. Parents and the wider family of caretakers will help celebrate our students and share in the beauty of music that allows us, for a moment, to experience the divine, the transcendent, and our common humanity, bringing joy, peace, and understanding.
Feedback / Questionnaire
Bring music, arts and strong academics to the youth of Houston's 2nd, 3rd and 5th Wards. Help make FLAMA a reality for your children by filling out this survey.
Feel free to contact us with any questions.